One thing an artist needs is to be inspired by other artists. Some artists are lucky enough to belong to art groups or workshops. There they will find inspiration and encouragement from other artists. Many of us often feel that our work is not good enough. We often need encouragement from other artists. We need to be able to share our ideas and thoughts and know that we are understood. I sometimes think that only an artist can understand another artist. We are all so similar, yet very different.
I don't belong to any form of art workshop or group, but I find my inspiration from my fellow art bloggers. I read about your painting triumphs, and your battles. I read your blogs and find myself nodding, going "yes, yes, I've experienced that too". Every day I come and look at your paintings and drawings. I feel your pride in your latest piece, and I am inspired. You are all amazing! And I thank you!
And to think, all I was going to post today was my new project. Well here it is so far.